Since my movie is the oldest one, its was really difficult to find similituds between my blog and my classmates'. But, I can say with authority that my movie, alongside his star, was the percursor of many other movies and genres. It was a tough age, movies didn't yet play an important role in society, but Charles Chaplin and his movies were able to change the historic lane of Film. It was the angular stone for most of genres like comedy, where he was simply a master.
Looking for simmilarities among my classmate's blogs, I could only find technical issues that matched my movie, like places of film, country, language of course and in a few cases genre.
I would have loved to dig deeper into this subject but since my movie is far older it was really hard.
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007
Film Background.

The movie takes place in a great depression. Empowered by the Wall Street collapse in 1921, the people began to test their luck, trying to succeed economically, among these fellows is Charles Chaplin, a lone prospector a it's read in the movie, since nothing is said. In that time, it was gossiped that the eastern side of the U.S.A. was much better of, so there was a massive exile from west to east, where tens of thousands decided to flee eastbound. Of course the route wasn't easy, especially for charles, who was a humble, shy and sometimes naive man. On one of his first stops, he finds a cabin, and old, rusty and chubby cabin, that would shelter him from some terrible snow storms going on and that time (seen on the picture on the right). While waiting for the storm to ease, another prospector jumps in to the cabin. A fat and old russian looking fellow, who had recently found a gold mountain that would make him rich. When days go by, hunger starts to rise, and since Charles was a slim and short white looking guy, the fat and big one, sees him as something edible (a chicken) and begins to chace Charles with a shotgun, until, Charles decides to make a meal; Shoe soup. After the storm ends, each of them take their own way.
After a long walk, traveling through cliffs and other dangerous landscapes, charles gets to a littlle miners' town. Where he met Georgia, a nice looking woman who looked like an old fashioned hooker that hangs out with a pimp looking guy. He meets her in a pub and dances with her, hoping that she turns her eyes on him, but of course she doesn't due to his poor looking outfit.
Inspired and hopeful, Charles invites Georgia and her for a new year's eve dinner, in a little cabin where he was put to watching after some guy that had to go travelling, but they never show up, even though he made all the arrangements and even dreamt with that moment. The next day he bumps in the lone prospector that he had met in the cabinet during that blizzard. He, had lost his mind, and didn't remember where the gold mountain was, but he finds Charles and promised him that if he helped him, he would make him rich in a month. Of course, a naive and shy Charles accepted the deal after all, he had nothing to lose. They go back to the cabin, in an adventurous journey, and find the mountain. They become rich, and travel on first class on a ship. Charles accidentally falls down to low class deck, and finds Georgia, who at the end felt pity for him after what they had done to him on new year's eve. They see, kiss and eventually get married, since the movie ends with a close up on their kiss.
The movie was shot in Alaska and California. It took a whole year to finish it and it was the first chaplin's movie to start being filmed after the idea of the movie and scripts are finished.
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007
Saddness as a part of those times.
As it clearly says in the technical file,"The gold Rush's" genres are: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Romance. Nonwithstanding, throughout many passages of the movie we see the deepest and cruelest of sadness suffered by the star. In the image we see charles very dissapointed after having invited his love and friends for a new year's eve dinner, and didn't show up.
The way that this marevelous actor expresses his feelings by simple faces, and with the help of the precise type of shots and close ups is amazing. These are made exactly so that the audience captures the moment at its utmost, it personally made me cry and feel really sorry for charles.
Charles fell in love with a girl, that looks like a possible prostitute since she hangs out with a guy that seems to be a ladiesman. Of course, as Charles is poor and dum, this girl does not other thing but to tease him alongside her friends. So, they make the most cruel joke, let him think they would go to that dinner I mentioned earlier. But, Charles has no money to prepare this dinner, so he goes out and begs for money, works shoveling snow, etc. At new year's eve, at eight as they had arranged, charles has all the arangements for a perfect evening, cooking a meal and setting the table he waits up for the ladies to come. In his wait, he falls asleep and dreams about this so wished perfect evening. In this dream he imagines himself with Georgia, the lady I have been talking about, he kisses her, laugh and has fun. Suddenly, he wakes up and realizes that nothing was real, it was just a dream, he looks at the clock and it's 12 0'clock. Here is when the saddest part of the movie comes, he looks outside the door like still with some hope, but nothing comes in, except his donkey (which by the way wasn't even his, nor was the cabin, he was looking after it for sometime). Why am I mentioning this to you? because it is simply my favourite part of the movie.
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007
A Special Man
Who needs a stunt actor if you've got Charles Chaplin among the cast! Who would complain about a scene if Chaplin is acting right in front of you? I could go on about his qualities as an actor, director and screen performer for hours and hours, but unfortunately I must keep on going with what I want right now. The way Chaplin expresses art with a few looks and funny movements, no colors and a couple of cheap stage artifacts that he uses and takes full advantage of. He didn't need sounds, special effects or anything out of his reach to earn a place in history. All he did was understanding the sense of filming, the escence of recording and making history out of it. I personally knew nothing about Charles Chaplin, but after a few minutes of watching his movie, I was absolutely captivated by his face and body expressions, stunned by his simplicity, and shocked by his old fashioned innocence.
In The picture, Chaplin is at the edge of a cliff. If he fell he would have had a terrible accident, but he took the chances to make great filming, and guess what, he did!! that's the escence of film for me.
Technical Information.
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